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News & Events

750th Memorial observed at Otani Mausoleum


Otani Mausoleum, Kyoto- The Otani Mausoleum held its 750th Memorial of Shinran Shonin October 12 - 16.  Services for the observation were conducted at the Meichodo temple hall with Monshu Koshin Ohtani as officiant.  Approximately 17,000 Jodo Shinshu followers gathered at the Otani Mausoleum throughout the week’s program.  In addition to the services at Otani Mausoleum, music concerts and Rakugo (Japanese storytelling) performances at the Monbou Kaikan, public viewing of the Shoin (study chambers) and Hiunkaku at Hongwanji, and other events at Kyoto Station took place.
Many who attended the memorial services commented that they were moved by the experience of attending a service with so many other Jodo Shinshu followers and how in attending the memorial has led them to reflect on and gain a greater appreciation for Shinran’s teaching.  The teigi* procession also seemed to be a highlight that people were standing for hoping to get a glance at.
In an interview, Ms. Naomi Nakano, a member of Mountain View Temple commented, “I have been going to the temple since I was child.  After having been to Hongwanji and attending the 750th Memorial of Shinran Shonin at Otani Mausoleum, I once again realized that I am nurtured and surrounded by the teaching of Jodo Shinshu and I feel much closer to the teaching than before.”

Excerpt from Hongwanji Journal, October 20, 2009.



*Teigi Procession


Shushincho                    ervice procession marshal
Retsugakari                    processional guides

Sandanshu (Sogakuin)  musicians
.Egyoji                           service director
.Ijugishi (Into)                ministers leading kesshu
.Kesshu                          ministers seated in the naijin (inner area of the hall)
.Jibando                         child flag bearer
.Jikkin                            ondoshi guards
.Ondoshi                        chant leader
.Jikkin                            ondoshi guards
.Jodoji                            child fan bearer
.Sogo                              ondoshi assistant
.Ushiki (rokudeshi)        ondoshi attendants   
.Sangishu                       Hongwanji patrons
.Kosha                           representatives of Hongwanji lay affiliates
.Retsugakari                  processional guides
