Hongwanji International Center 2009 Public Lecture Series
Every year, The Hongwanji International Center Public Lecture Series features
scholars from various religious backgrounds. The lecture series also known as Yehan
Koza began in 1976 and has been conducted annually through the sponsorship
of the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai founder, Mr. Yehan Numata. The lecture series is
conducted annually from November through March, with a lecture conducted once
each month. This year’s theme is “The possibility of ethics within Jodo Shinshu
– A comparison with other religious traditions.” The lectures are conducted
at the Hongwanji International Center (Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto) from 6 – 8pm and are
open to the public.
Lecture 1
Date: November 20, 2009
Lecture title: 「『常行大悲の益』の現代的意義(総論に代えて)」
Rev. Michio Tokunaga, Kangaku Hongwanji Scholar
Lecture 2
Date: December 18, 2009
Lecture title:「原始仏教の倫理観と現代の仏教」
Shizuka Sasaki (Associate Professor, Hanazono University)
Lecture 3
Date: January 22, 2010
Lecture title:「キリスト教の倫理性の根拠となるもの」
Michael Seigel (Nanzan Institute for Social Ethics, Nanzan University)
Lecture 4
Date: February 12, 2010
Lecture title:「天理教の信仰倫理」
Yoshitsugu Sawai (Professor, Faculty of Human Studies, Tenri University)
Lecture 5
Date: March 12, 2010
Lecture title:「現代社会において倫理観がもつ可能性」
Tesshu Shaku (Professor, Hyogo University)
*All lectures will be conducted in Japanese.